Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why should people exercise?

The benefits of exercising are practically limitless. Put simply, human beings were not meant to sit in chairs all day typing. We are grouped under the same category as animals and should be actively using our bodies as they do naturally. Technology has increased our productivity and intelligence, but has crippled our natural heath and ability to do physical work. Exercise is a way to combat the negative effects of our sedentary lifestyle.

Part 1 – The benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise.
The minimum amount of cardio you should be performing is 3 times a week 20 minutes a day. You will begin to see an improvement in your cardiovascular capacity almost instantly on the flip side you will also see a decrease almost instantly (your capacity is estimated to decline approximately 48 hrs after your activity). I recommend to all my clients to get their heart rate into their cardio range for at least thirty minutes 4 times per week. This way you are always increasing your capacity. Cardio is just flat out good for your health – Below are the top ten benefits of cardio exercise.

Top Ten Benefits of Cardio Vascular Exercise
10.) More Confidence – As you get in better shape believe me you feel better about yourself.
9.) Decreased Muscular Tension – Ever feel pain in your lower back, neck or shoulders? Cardio will tire your muscles and consequently relax them.
8.) Better Sleep – Pretty self explanatory, expend more energy during the day sleep better at night, wake up feeling great.
7.) Improve Joint Function – Cardio warms up all the tissue in your body which makes them more pliable.
6.) Increased Energy Throughout the Day – Ever feel sluggish in the middle of the day? Cardio by definition increases your heart rate and makes you more energetic.
5.) Increased Bone Density – It has been proven that cardio will help improve your bone density and can help combat osteoporosis.
4.) Increased Muscular Endurance – Hand in hand with increased energy throughout the day. You will be able to do more physical work and feel less fatigued when your done.
3.) Decreased Stress – Who couldn’t use this today? Cardio is considered eustress (a positive stress) to your body. This eustress decreases your distress (negative stress) in your body and mind.
2.) Body Fat Reduction – Cardio burns calories at a high rate. Burning calories will result in a reduction of your body fat stores
1.) Improved Heart Function – Your heart is a muscle and training this muscle makes it stronger. Cardio decreases your risk of heart disease the number one killer in America!

These don’t even include your personal reasons – for me this half hour is my time to listen to music I don’t normally get to and come up with creative ideas. Use it anyway you wish just get out there and get healthy. Consult a doctor or fitness professional prior to starting a cardio program. The benefits are amazing, you need to find time to get it in, once you do you will love it!

Find a trainer to start your cardio program Click Here

1 comment:

  1. How can I get my mind set right so I dont think it's okay to eat healthy and excercise during the week and 'take off' from Friday to Sunday. Diet can't always start on Mondays can it?
